Breeders Of Classic Ryman Old Hemlock English Setters

Breeders of Ryman/Old Hemlock Belton Type Setters


Bird Dog Setter




Website was updated on 7/15/2022

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The English Setter By George Ryman, Gundog Kennels

Bird Hunting             


          It had been a few years since we hunted behind a gundog. We decided it was time to get back into some upland hunting with one. We were a little unsure of what breed we wanted. But we knew we wanted a Dual-Type dog that hunted close, and has a strong desire to hunt for you, and not for himself. It was also important that he be a calm house companion, that was good with kids & pets.

          After alot of research, we decided to go with the English Setter. We really liked what we saw in the Classic, Ryman/Old Hemlock type of dog.

      We bought our first pup, Jesse from Heartland Setters in 2005, and from that day on, our lives have never been the same!! We had found that perfect, all-around dog we had in our minds! We were hooked, and have totally fallen in love with the breed.

In 2007, we bought our second pup Maggie, from Stevens Classic Setters, and she is a joy to have. These dogs are not just working partners in the field, but are members of our family. We feel very fortunate to have them in our lives.

Our Goals are:

  • To produce easy to train dogs that are "naturals" in the field, and calm & quiet in the house

  • Retain the genetic purity of the Ryman and Old Hemlock Strains

  •  Produce pups that hunt close and require very little handling-no yelling, no whistling, no harsh discipline

  • Provide you with a dog, that will be your best friend, and one who fills your heart with pride everyday

  • Produce dogs with sound bodies & minds

Lastly, some good friends, who know and love this breed, once said,


"If you are looking for a dog to reside permanently in a kennel, our dogs are not for you"


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     Scott & Shelley Gillis-Owners

      Burlington, Iowa



     Please Email or call us with any questions you may have.



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